The benchmark actually measures the performance of regular expressions in both languages (say frameworks).
He concludes the post saying that C# failed even to give the results, and consumed too much memory till an OutOfMemoryException was thrown.
I tried both code samples (C# using .net 2.0, Java using Java SE runtime version 1.6).
The Java version worked as mentioned in the blog post (took about 4031 milliseconds on my PC), the C# version took too long time so I had to terminate it.
I noticed that the whole benchmark is about comparing these lines of code:
Regex regexpr = new Regex(matchthis, RegexOptions.Compiled);
Boolean b = regexpr.IsMatch(_doc);
Pattern regexpr = Pattern.compile(matchthis); Matcher matcher = egexpr.matcher(_doc);
boolean b = matcher.find();
When I changed the C# code to:
Regex regexpr = new Regex(matchthis);
Boolean b = regexpr.IsMatch(_doc);
Execution took about 14672 milliseconds. Which is somehow acceptable, even if a lot longer that Java execution time. Note that this version does not compile the regular expression.
When I removed the regular expression comparison from both codes the result was:
C#: 891 milliseconds
Java: 1750 milliseconds
See the difference!!
- It's unfair to compare two versions of code written in a way that is optimized for one language but not for another. In .net, compiling regular expressions is good when you are going to reuse them.
- Taking a single point of comparison (regular expression in this case) is not a valid measurement when you compare two huge frameworks like .net and Java.